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Hey There, This is me!

Hi, I'm Balakrishna. I'm a passionate explorer of the world of science and technology. These explorations have led me to tinker with lots of DIY projects and explore physics and computer science, constantly motivating me to learn new things. Currently, I am working as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology in Bangalore.

Apart from academics, I love coding and exploring new ideas. I enjoy constructive debates and discussions on a wide array of topics. I'm also passionate about teaching and mentoring. I believe that we can improve ourselves and the world by sharing our knowledge. I always strive to inspire people to be passionate and pursue their interests rather than being a part of the rat race.

One of my long-term goals is to build a community of like-minded people where each motivates others to learn and grow together. As humans, we're limited in many abilities, especially the ability to utilize time. There are only 24 hours in a day for any given person, but when people come together, time multiplies, and we can achieve much more than we could alone.

In line with these thoughts, I strongly advocate open-source software and Creative Commons. I believe that knowledge should be freely accessible to everyone, and no one should be denied access to it. I've benefited a lot from the open-source community, and I am a result of the work built upon the foundations laid by many others. And as Newton once said, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

In short, I'm a physics lover, tech enthusiast, lifelong learner, reliable mentor, an advocate of open knowledge, and a believer in collaboration. I look forward to finding and connecting with others who share these beliefs and make the world a better place.

Balakrishna Prabhu B N

My Research Projects

I have always been fascinated by the remarkable advancements that humans have achieved throughout the ages. These achievements stem from our innate ability to question the unknown and venture boldly into uncharted territories in search of answers. I consider myself an adventurer in this ongoing exploration.

Research holds a special place in my heart, representing a realm where my passion thrives. Through various projects, I've gained profound insights into the intricacies of our world and its workings.

Here, I present a glimpse of some projects that have not only inspired me but have also been instrumental in providing valuable lessons. These are just a few among many, and I invite you to delve deeper if your curiosity is piqued.

My Hobby Projects

We've all heard the phrase "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It's been a sanctuary for me when the stress of research and academics looms large. In these moments, I escape into my own world, tinkering with electronics, building simulations, creating games, and diving into various other pursuits.

Among the many things I enjoy during my downtime, I have a special corner reserved for what I call my hobby projects. These are my time investments, hours poured into learning and experimenting until, finally, that "Eureka!" moment arrives, and I'm bouncing around like a kid on a trampoline.

Here, I present a glimpse of these geeky and nerdy pleasures of mine. While these projects reflect part of my creative journey, there's still an abundance waiting to be uncovered.

Let's Get Personal

Art and literature grant us liberation from the rigid confines of rules, offering a canvas where we can freely bend, break, and recreate without limitations. Its artistic freedom that lets us redefine grammar, painting palettes, writing conventions, or even the placement of a camera—where every rule is an invitation to break them.

There are moments when experiences or emotions drive me to pen down my thoughts. Sometimes, words fall short in capturing what I feel, leading me to express through photos, videos, or mixing them into a singular creation. I've even on Occasion, let my hand sketch whatever springs to mind, and while I wouldn't call myself an artist in the traditional sense, these ventures open a window into my inner self.

But in any case, perfection has never been the aim, instead, It is the imperfections that render these creations valuable and genuine.

The Doubt Factory

Questioning things has been a significant part of my life, bringing me immense pleasure and satisfaction. Since childhood, I've been known as the kid who asks the most questions, Despite becoming the subject of jokes and teasing, I could never stop asking doubts. I'm certain I'm not alone in this experience. However, I've noticed many people give up on their curiosity and cease to ask questions. What most fail to see is the sheer joy of questioning, being curious, and ultimately finding the solutions.

The current state of the world often portrays learning as uncool and tedious, but in truth, it's far from it. This misconception stems from years of misrepresentation of science, technology, and various aspects of the world. While I don't imply that the current system is entirely flawed, my own encounters with such issues reveal the extensive room for improvement.

I consider myself part of a privileged group with access to excellent education and unwavering support from my family to nurture curiosity and choose my paths. I acknowledge that not everyone shares the same fortune. I strongly believe that those bestowed with privilege should strive to extend similar benefits to others.

In essence, I aim to provide similar privileges to as many individuals as possible. This is the essence of my concept, The Doubt Factory. To all those inquisitive minds, to the child within everyone who dared to ask 'silly' questions, experiment, try new things, and innocently pestered their parents and others with their curiosity - to you, I'd like to say this:

I know I cannot change the system, at least not right now. So I Embark upon a journey to let you know that you are not alone, that asking questions is not wrong, that the universe is ready with the answers, just waiting for us to ask the right questions.We may have to confront hundreds or even thousands of seemingly trivial and silly questions before we uncover the right problems. Who knows, our doubts might just change the world.

And for that I give you "The Doubt Factory"

Support My Work

My projects are dedicated to open-source ideals, striving to give back to the community. I try to organize workshops, seminars, and other events aimed at empowering communities and providing support to those who might not have the same opportunities as many of us do.

If you believe in the power of open-source, education, and societal progress, your contributions, no matter how big or small, make a significant impact. They help sustain and expand the quality and frequency of these initiatives.

Whether you're interested in contributing or seeking collaboration opportunities, I welcome your involvement. Your support, in any form, is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to reach out to explore how you can be a part of this journey. Thank you sincerely for your consideration.